

Friday, February 20, 2009


Yes he was right when he said that in this country when it comes to the discussion of race, we're a nation of cowards. I agree with him 100% and this following clip just goes to show exactly what he means....

Did you notice how the audio problems in the broadcast started whenever Michael Eric Dyson spoke truth to power? Coincidence maybe, but I thought it was rather ironic.

Pat Buchanan was representative if what's wrong in America when it comes to discussions on race. He's an old tired White man set in his ways who fails to own up to the reality of racism.

People like him are always quick to point the finger and talk about personal responsibility, but act like their shit don't stink. It's people like him in the old guard who are in the media (or behind the scenes) who are responsible for perpetuating stereotypes.

Did you notice how he deflected from the issue by throwing daggers at the ills that plague the "Black Community"? Did you notice how he said that Black people "Self Segregate"?

It's always blame the victim...

"Less women would be raped by men if they didn't dress as provocative as they do."

This is why as a nation we'll NEVER move forward on racial issues. Sure things are better than they used to be. But for the most part the problem is dishonesty surrounding the subject.

So now, lets see how many of you are brave enough to say he was wrong.


  1. brother rippa,
    interesting how few have commented

  2. Having Pat Buchanan arguing anything related to Black people is ridicules. His misleading and down right false numbers only add to his racist mind set. White people will never, ever, ever admit that this "white dominated" society has damaged every minority in this country. Whites sit at the top of the heap with Native american, Black african, Mexican, Japanese (I could go on and on) blood on their hands and they feel completely guiltless. Watching Pat gleefully talk about black gang rapes and out of wedlock births in the black community with blatantly false numbers(which have been discussed on this site brilliantly) was just, to coin the phrase from Mr Holder, COWARDLY

  3. This discussion right here just proved to you that yes, white people are ignorant, and so far gone from accepting that even though their ancestors incited racial violence on another race, they will still get selective amnesia on that subject. And the fact alone that Pat Buchanan is all a part of the system of privilege, he's not gonna see this whole thing as "My race did your race wrong, so I'm here to take responsibility and make the kind of change to set things right". Oh hell no. He wants to go on the whole rant about how black people made themselves downtrodden and in the kind of condition they are in now. Had it not been for the racial inequality that was forced upon us since the Middle Passage, we would have been just as equal on every level imaginable as they were. Even though black people have been through struggle, it's that same struggle that has made alot of us kick ass and take names, and to prove that, PRESIDENT BARACK OBAMA. Enough said!
    So the next time anybody sees an ignorant ass white person who spouts out some bullshit, KICK THE SHIT OUT OF THEM AND KEEP GOING ON ABOUT YOUR BUSINESS. LOL.

  4. You know what gets to me? The countless oppurtunities Bill had to simply put himself into a black person's shoes.

  5. Rippa,I noticed it to, it's their technical way to discredit what Dyson was saying by distorting the transmission, then letting Pat's voice take over to hammer his ignorance in.

    The media is a machine, its been pushing white propaganda of racism undertones and over tones for 70 years or more, they have the skill honed in tactical devise to accomplish their mission. Look at what they did with Dr.Jeremiah Wright sermons.

    I believe we have to look threw it, to stay on message.. they will never make it simple.. you can count on that if, they thought it could have been gotten away with, they would have done the same with Attorney General Holder message.. but they knew better than to mess with him in that way.

    It's Ok.. because the world is aware and the more people that make themselves aware, the "white is right" mantra has fallen off it's perch, and "humpty dumpty" cannot be glued back together.. and they know it..

  6. Those are real nice statements he and other Blacks are making. It’s good to know what he and other Blacks are thinking. More importantly, I would like to know the thoughts of those with power (i.e., those that do the hiring and firing) are thinking.

    Everyone on the planet should know that nothing is free. (There is no such thing as a free lunch.) Life is a myriad of trade-offs. To get something, you must give something. You got a Black president, so what did you get? Perhaps, you gave up Affirmative Action! Congratulations! Nice trade-off!

  7. Those are real nice statements he and other Blacks are making. It’s good to know what he and other Blacks are thinking. More importantly, I would like to know the thoughts of those with power (i.e., those that do the hiring and firing).

    Everyone on the planet should know that nothing is free. (There is no such thing as a free lunch.) Life is a myriad of trade-offs. To get something, you must give something. You got a Black president, so what did you give? Perhaps, you gave up Affirmative Action! Congratulations! Nice trade-off! Bet you didn't THINK about that on election day? Or, were you THINING that life is a sequence of discrete decisions? Did you forget that every action has a consequence?

  8. Personally I was glad that Holder called it like he saw it. For too many years people have been expected to be tight lipped on the subject of racsim, especially black leaders. Racism is indeed a problem and yes it has been looked at from a cowardly position for many years.

    Pat Buchanan speaks as if the white people are the true representative of the United States and the coloreds (as he calls them) are just the people that happen to be here.
    CRACKA..(yeah I said it lol)
