

Friday, June 12, 2009

Rev. Jeremiah Wright: Don't you love it when your drunk uncle speaks? Was he hatin' or telling the truth?

The fact that Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s latest media offering hasn’t gained much traction, and is getting beaten out by the Palin family/David Letterman beef must be a sign. Could it be that my man JW is irrelevant and not as important a story now that Obama is president unlike last year when he was running for office? Or could it be that “them Jews” are more focused on the recent attack at the Holocaust Museum? I mean let’s be real: on the sympathy scale, a crazy white supremacist with a gun trumps everybody’s favorite Black drunk uncle, no?

Being interviewed as he attended a conference in Virginia, Rev. was asked specifically about his relationship with Obama, and regrets. But somehow, just like “them Jews” did to him last year, they cherry picked the interview, and gave us this:

Asked if he had spoken to the president, Wright said: “Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office. ...”
Ah, lets spark another Black on Black or Black on Jewish controversy shall we? I mean I’m just sayin! Of that entire interview somehow the “them Jews” line makes headlines. To me it’s like having mind blowing sex but yet when it’s done all your partner is focused on is that cramp he or she may have caught. If you ever had that happen you’ll understand I’m sure. But does Rev. Jerry have any regrets saying what he said? No he doesn’t, and you wanna know why? Because he told the truth; yup just like last year.

To get a better understanding of where he was coming from one should take the entire interview in context just like they should have done last year when his sermons were dissected. Context people; this is what is often thrown out the window when stories are reported alluding to a controversial statement or comment. You know, kinda like the Sonia Sotomayor line where she thinks she’s better than “them white-men” as a judge?


Lets examine it shall we:

“Regret for what ... that the media went back five, seven, 10 years and spent $4,000 buying 20 years worth of sermons to hear what I’ve been preaching for 20 years?

“Regret for preaching like I’ve been preaching for 50 years? Absolutely none,” Wright said in an interview late Tuesday.

Wright also said he hadn’t spoken to his former church member since Obama became president, implying that the White House won’t allow Obama to talk to him. He did not indicate whether he had tried to reach Obama.

Wright is in Hampton, Va., this week attending Hampton University’s 95th Annual Ministers Conference.

Wright said that when he went to the polls, he did not hold any grudge against Obama.

“Of course I voted for him; he’s my son. I’m proud of him,” Wright said. “I’ve got five biological kids. They all make mistakes and bad choices. I haven’t stopped loving any of them.

“He made mistakes. He made bad choices. I’ve got kids who listen to their friends. He listened to those around him. I did not disown him.”

Asked if he had spoken to the president, Wright said: “Them Jews aren’t going to let him talk to me. I told my baby daughter, that he’ll talk to me in five years when he’s a lame duck, or in eight years when he’s out of office. ...

“They will not let him to talk to somebody who calls a spade what it is.... I said from the beginning: He’s a politician; I’m a pastor. He’s got to do what politicians do.”
So, do you still think his statement was inappropriate? Is he not calling a spade a spade? Do you think he’s lying? Obama is a politician is he not? I mean Rev. Wright is not exactly Louis Farrakhan, but was linked to him last year insinuating that he was also Jew hating Negro, right? Yup, but yet nothing is said about him voting for Obama, or even him speaking about his love for him. Nope none of that makes the headlines, and I wonder why:

Wright also said Obama should have sent a U.S. delegation to the World Conference on Racism held recently in Geneva, Switzerland, but that the president did not do so for fear of offending Jews and Israel.

“Ethnic cleansing is going on in Gaza. Ethnic cleansing (by) the Zionist is a sin and a crime against humanity, and they don’t want Barack talking like that because that’s anti-Israel,” Wright said.
Do you get it now? You know the whole context thing? Remember Obama's campaign speech or dare I say his best pandering act to date at the AIPAC conference last year? I mean maybe I’m wrong (you tell me) but I don’t see anything wrong with what he said about “them Jews”. Barack Obama did boycott the U.N. Conference on Racism did he not? He did side with Israel on that move to boycott didn’t he? I mean he is the president, the highest office in the land, right? Who else should have Rev. targeted or should anyone target with criticism? I mean let’s be real: Obama did make a choice to leave his church didn’t he? If you were Barack Obama what would you have done? Would you have left your church? Wasn’t it “them Jews” who helped him in making that decision? Is Barack Obama beyond reproach? Is the "them Jews" line as important as the substance of what he said?


Listen to the Rev. speak truth: