

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Who said Black men don't like animals.

Look at the man in the picture above. Look into his eyes. Doesn't he look troubled? His name is Rodell Vereen. Can't you feel his pain? Well folks, that's the look of a man facing a maximum sentence of 5yrs in prison. I don't know about you, but if I were facing 5yrs in prison I'd be slightly bothered too. I don't know about this guy, but I have a wife and kids with a new addition on the way, and being away from them that long would be devastating.

Yep, not to mention not being able to have sex with my wife for that length of time. Maybe I'm wrong, but maybe that's what this guy was thinking when they took his mugshot. Yep, that whole "no sex for a while" thing can weigh heavy on a man's brain especially when you've finally come across the best sex ever:

COLUMBIA, S.C. — A South Carolina man was charged with having sex with a horse after the animal's owner caught the act on videotape, then staked out the stable and caught him at shotgun point, authorities said Wednesday.

But this wasn't the first time Rodell Vereen has been charged. He pleaded guilty last year to having sex with the same horse after owner Barbara Kenley found him in the same stable. Then he was sentenced to probation and placed on the state's sex offender list.

Kenley said she noticed several weeks ago that her 21-year-old horse Sugar was acting strange and getting infections. She noticed things in the barn had been moved around — dirt piled up and bales of hay stacked near the horse's stall at her Lazy B Stables in Longs, about 20 miles northeast of Myrtle Beach.

"Police kept telling me it couldn't be the same guy," Kenley said Wednesday. "I couldn't believe that there were two guys going around doing this to the same horse."

She spent several nights at the stables, which are about 4 miles from her home, but didn't find anything. So she installed surveillance cameras, and when she reviewed the footage from July 19, she couldn't believe she was seeing the same man doing the same thing to her horse.

Kenley didn't call police because she was certain the man would come back to the stable, and she wanted to make sure he was arrested. So she staked out the barn and caught Vereen inside Monday night, chasing him to his truck and holding him with her shotgun until police came.

"He said he wasn't there to do anything, and I said, 'I know you were. I have you on tape.' And then he said he was sorry if he hurt me," Kenley said.

Vereen, 50, was first charged with trespassing, but police added a buggery charge after watching the surveillance tape. [click here to read the rest of the story]

Now, I've heard of some guys who have gone to jail over or because of some good p*ssy, but, err, umm, horse vagina? Yeah, I think this is a first folks. And apparently this guy takes his bestiality pretty serious; yes, he's obviously a one horse loving man. How do you go to jail for the same crime against the same victim, twice? This would lead me to believe that there was not enough embarrassment thrust upon him by his actions. Either that, or horse coochie is just that good.

The messed up thing about it (actually it's pretty damn funny to me), is that this guy has been placed on the sex offenders list. How do you explain that to a potential employer? Forget that, can you imagine him being in jail and being asked by another inmate what he did to wind up in prison? How do you explain that?

"Nah bruh, I'm no child molester or nuthin. See, I hit a horse doggie style from the back and fell in love. It was so good I had to hit it again and that was when I got caught. I sho, hope the horse is still alive when I get out. I gotta gemme summa dat one mo' gin."

Even funnier to me is that this Negro gave the horse an infection. Can you believe that shit?!! This fool went raw dog without a condom all up inside a damn horse, and gave the damn horse a virus. Ain't that a bitch? Seems like it should have been the other way around. Speaking of it being the other way around: I wonder if this dude tried to get head from old Ms. Sugar.

I could only imagine the cops watching the tape of this guy literally riding the horse. You know what? It might sound kinda sick, but I wish I was able to see the tape. I bet it would be as funny as reading the story. The article I read said that Rodell Vereen had mental issues. I hope this is true for the horses sake. I'd hate to think that Sugar the horse would have to be placed into protective custody or the witness protection program.

All in all this Negro needs some act right because clearly he's out of his mind. Didn't he see what happened to Mike Vick after he killed a few dogs? Did you see how disturbed and protective the old lady was of her horse? You know at one point in time people were killed for stealing horses in the country? I wonder if he truly realized how close to death he may be. Having sex with a horse has to be punishable by death in some states.