

Saturday, September 5, 2009

So you people proved me wrong on the photogenically challenged AKA thing....

Recently on this blog we discussed the stereotypical perception which surrounds the Black Greek sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA). I said that it has long been the/my perception that they all possessed a "certain" look, and were for the most part not photogenically challenged. You folks who responded all said that I was wrong.

OK, I'll admit, yeah, I was wrong. Hell, I even had one reader email me a pic of a "not so cute, but very hard on the eyes" sister who is a member of the very sorority. Aww hell don't gimme that "you so mean RiPPa," look either. This Jurassic looking AKA has a pretty nasty attitude according to the young lady who sent me the email. And you know how I feel about ugly people with attitudes [remember my Sandra Rose post?].

So, always one to try and disprove certain stereotypes of Black people. I decided to take another stab at this with the Black Greeks in mind. Yeah, and I bet you guys won't win on this one.

I swear, this one is gonna be fun, but...

are any gay members of the Omega Psi Phi fraternity?

Personally I would have to say no. But hey, I'm not always right and you people have proven that just recently. So, it is my challenge to you, my beloved readers... find me a pic of a gay Q-Dog? Or, if you're aware of any gay members of that fraternity, do me the favor of letting me know.

No seriously, I'd hate to think that I've wrongfully stereotyped these guys to all be the obnoxious hyper-masculine types. Not that gay guys cannot be obnoxious, or hyper-masculine or anything even remotely close stereotypically. I just wanna know if as a fraternity they would be as welcoming as the AKAs are or would be with the "not so cute" sisters out here. Ok, I'll stop for now, and I dare you to find me a gay Q-Dog. I bet you won't win this one.