

Monday, January 4, 2010

Barack Obama the shoe shine boy?

Welcome to year number two of post-racial USA folks; and as you can see from the picture above the party don't stop. Yes, Barack Obama has definitely found his niche as the caption of the pic circulated via email by a Denver state employee recently. Of course after I saw the image and read the story in the Denver Post, I wanted to whip out a fresh 2010 race card for obvious reasons. But then I read that the above image wasn't racist because as one conservative blogger put it - Rush Limbaugh was a shoe shine boy himself!

Cool, I think I'll hold on to my race card and save it for another one of those pre-postracial faux pas; oh trust me, somebody is gonna mess up like that pretty soon - not everyone received the memo on our post-racialness. Besides, this was photo and email was circulated in Denver Colorado. Recently he was a depicted as a Muslim fella on a billboard ad for a car dealership in that very state. When you consider that "certain people" are on edge because of the actions of one of Obama's Nigerian cousins. I guess being depicted as a shoe shine boy makes him safer and less of a threat to national security. Yep, and black people can actually sleep better at night as a result. That's unless his shoe shine station isn't in an airport...

At any rate, black people, please don't let this offend you; uh-huh, I know how stuff like this gets youse people fired up. Trust me, the last thing we need is a million man march inspired by this photo. Besides, the lady who sent the email happens to be a Registered Democrat and unlike those crazy racist teabaggers, she's cool, right? Black men especially should look to this image as a source of inspiration. With the current unemployment rate of black males, maybe, just maybe, black men going back to those days to make a buck might not be a bad idea. By today's standards there's no way it can be as demeaning of a job as it once was.

After all, if Barack Obama can do it, why can't any other black man?

Yes We Can?