

Monday, February 15, 2010

ColorLines: Race and Economic Recovery

Lemme go ahead and beat this barely breathing dead horse on race and the economy. More specifically, why our government should be held to account and pressured into enacting policies aimed at people of color in communities most affected by the current economic meltdown. I use independent media sources for my political news for the most part. And Link-TV, my favorite television station, in conjunction with The Applied Research Center, recently released an awesome documentary which highlights just what I've been saying particularly on this blog for quite some time.

This documentary uses a single black mother of three children as an example to illustrate just how women of color are demonized, and stigmatized; and more importantly, just how racial bias plays heavily into the shaping of policy. Now, not everybody out there is hip to Link-TV and what they do. But they bring feature stories and programing from all over the world without the corporate media bias exerted in the mainstream media. They do it so well that I've actually donated to the station to keep them alive and on the air. But that's not what this post is about.

This post is about the following documentary that I hope to God that you take the time to watch and understand just how racial economic inequalities play out for people of color all over the country. The best part of this documentary is that it explores solutions, and dispels some of the long held stereotypes about people of color and how social policies impact their lives. Most importantly, it shows just how communities are coming together to work with local government to affect change, by creating jobs.

I hope you enjoy: