

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Meet Helena Andrews author of the upcoming book Bitch Is The New Black

Recently the internet or should I say the Black blogosphere was ablaze with discussions centered around the upcoming book Bitch Is The New Black by Helena Andrews. In case you missed it, this was all sparked by a Washington Post article titled Successful, black and lonely which profiled Ms. Andrews, and her upcoming book and movie. On this very blog alone we featured an entry written by Seattle Slim on the subject that of bitch being the new black; you can catch it right here, as well as a post written by myself [here] that really made for an interesting discussion.

Recently on our Freedom Through Speech radio show, Paul Carrick Brunson - The Modern Day Matchmaker & Relationship Coach - owner and operator of the matchmaking service One Degree From Me sat in on our discussion of the book, and the "phenomenon" of the lonely successful single black woman. Paul was able to secure an exclusive interview with Helena recently which I thought to be very insightful. I know how some of you just hate watching videos embedded in blogs. But do me a favor and check it out and tell me what you think:

This is where it really gets good; pay attention:

So what are your thoughts on the interview? Though short, does it give you a better insight as to who is Helena Andrews? Seriously, I'd like to know what you think. And you know why? I'd like to know because I'll be honest, with as much talk as this book and the WaPo article has generated. I think the perception of Ms. Andrews being this cold hearted bitter bitch destined to become the neighborhood cat lady in 30yrs came to life. And I think purposely the Washington Post played into that stereotype as the media often does.

Which just tells me that though we as black people bitch about how we're perceived stereotypically. We often do the same thing to ourselves as a byproduct of our internalized oppression when we read stories about us that comes from people who are not us. Personally, I'm looking forward to the book and movie in the future; I think it will be well received. Having said that, I personally think the interview does her justice in helping to dispel much of the negative backlash. And I say that with the realization that there's no way you can get to know someone in the matter of eighteen minutes.

You can subscribe to my man Paul's YouTube channel OneDegreeFromMe to view a host of insightful and informative videos with tips on dating and more. If you're on Twitter you can follow Helena Andrews (@helena_andrews) and Paul Carrick Brunson (@onedegreefromme) as well because unlike asshole celebs, they'll actually interact with you. And to tell you the truth, if I wasn't married I would have already totally scooped up Helena. She doesn't seem like the angry black woman to me anyway. What? You heard her; she likes dudes who are funny and loves to debate. Now tell me that ain't me, right?