

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Oh those Negroes and their dialect are hilarious!

I don't know what type of politician Illinois State Senator Rickey Hendon may be. But I know he is one of six democrats vying for the position of Lieutenant Governor, and he happens to be black. What I do also know thanks to the folks at the Huffington Post, is that they find this radio ad currently running in Chicago to be "hilarious", and tagged it as "ridiculous":

Now I don't know about you and where you live. But if it is anything like living in the city of Memphis, I'm sure you've heard your share of ignorant commercials on your local radio and television station featuring non-acting Negroes. That said,  I don't see the above commercial as "hilarious" as the Huffington Post puts it. Instead, I'll just say that they haven't been around many black people, or have had conversations with them.

Yes, what they heard was the equivalent of an episode of Good Times juxtaposed with the absurdity of David Alan Grier's Chocolate News. But of course some of our folk who may have heard this felt the unfortunate need to hang their heads in shame. Which is sad because it says a lot about how they've internalized many of the so-called "negative" perceptions of black people as representative of themselves, and a source of embarrassment.

The moral of the story? Be yourself, and never feel the need to apologize, or feel some kind of way for something someone else does because you share the same skin color. Chances are, unlike you, they were being themselves any damn way; and people will be who they are as individuals.

Stop putting salt on your watermelon, folks: