So I heard Erykah Badu has a new song and video in which she gets butt-booty-nekkid. Knowhumtalmbout? I mean National Geographic naked with titties hanging out minus the bone in her nose. I'm talking so naked that as my man Dollar Bill said it, "You can see her public hairs." Apparently more than a few folks were upset with this display, as it has been the talk on Twitter recently.
So considering that I'm a few days away from major eye surgery; I wanted to be sure to get a glimpse of the woman who I happen to think possesses possibly the most powerful vagina and sexuality in the world... or at least the black community, before they ban the joint. Or before I totally lose all of my vision. Not that I'm one of these thirsty male Negroes or anything; I just wanted to see what the fuss is all about.
Check it out:
You know what? I totally get this video, and I think it's awesome! Oh how my people continue to die mentally as they continue to miss the message. Which when you think about it, actually speaks volumes to, and about, the very theme of the video. Here's a video which artistically captures the historical character assassination of the black woman; using Dallas TX., as the setting, circa the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. But yet, Neo-Negroes are grumbling and continue to be perpetually enslaved mentally all because of....
QUESTION: Any thoughts on the controversy?
video courtesy: