

Monday, March 22, 2010

It's about health care reform bitches!: Yes, the Magic Negro has delivered (write that down)

Given the events of this weekend - you know, the Health Care Reform debate, Tea Party protesters spitting on lawmakers and calling them Niggers and Faggots [read it here]. Moving forward with other legislative issues that affect our lives. I think it's time to implement a new rule. Sure much of this madness is nothing new in American society. Let's be honest, most people my age wasn't around when those racist German Shepherds were biting chunks out of the freshly water-hose soaked asses of Negroes back in the day. Yep, so understandably, much of what we saw this weekend was quite shocking.

My guess is that we can expect more of the same behavior in the next three years (at least) that the Magic Negro sleeps in the White House. Speaking of which, ain't that Negro special? Not only can he fly, heal the sick, shoot a mean jumper. He can also get the seemingly impossible done in the form of Health Care Reform. Not bad for this country's second Black president, ain't it? But anyway, you can best believe that our friends on the right wing are going to pull out the big guns next time around. Yep, no more of that showing up on our turf and making us look like fools like you did mister skinny John Coffee.

So I propose that moving forward politically, that Jesse Jackson Jr. be allowed to whack a few fools in the head with his gavel. Yep, another "you lie," or "baby killer comment." Jesse is allowed to go oops upside your head a few times with precision. You get on twitter and suggest that the president of the United States be assassinated as one Black Republican did yesterday? Forget the Secret Service subjecting him to anal probes. Send Jesse Jackson Jr. in with his gavel to beat the devil out of that fool, and anyone else who has the audacity to show their ass from here on out. Fuck being civil; bust people in the head Jesse; make your daddy proud.

So while most of you elated that Barack Obama was able to pull off his greatest magic trick to date. Do realize that there is still work yet to be done to ensure true Health Care Reform; the passing of this bill is just the begging. And please believe there will be many more shouting matches and asinine behavior. Behaviors that could be curtailed should Jesse Jackson Jr. is given the power by executive order to go all Sling Blade and whack people in the head. Should he make an attempt to become the country's third Black president, no one can deny his experience.

Matter of fact, Jesse needs to give this gentleman who happens to be a Republican Congressman from California a few lumps for suggesting that those asshole protesters had every right to call John Lewis a Nigger, and Barney Frank a Faggot:

Did this fool just say calling lawmakers Niggers and Faggots was OK?


Congrats to the Democrats, the White House, and most importantly the American people. People who took the time to make this a reality with a true grassroots effort from the bottom up. Now that's democracy in action; and change that we can believe in. But like I said, let us not get lazy; there is still work to be done.