

Monday, May 10, 2010

Dammit, he was born in Kenya, and I'll arrest your black ass, right here, right now!

So the big news today was Barak Obama's announcement of Elena Kagan as the next Supreme Court Justice nominee. Already there's much negative talk about the announcement both on the left and on the right. But I don't wanna talk about that, because I'm sure there'll be enough time for that debate to develop. Yep, and before you know it we'll be debating on her sexual preference, or the fact that she sits down when she pees.

Instead, I'd like to talk about a great American; a man who happens to reside here in the great state of Tennessee. A man who has served his country with honor as a Navy commander. A man who even in retirement, still lives up to the sworn oath to protect this country from all enemy, foreign or domestic. Ladies and gentlemen, I'm talking about none other than the patriotic American hero, Walter Fitzpatrick.

OK, so you've probably never heard of him, but it was with his fellow Americans in mind that he decided to take a stand. Yes folks, old man Walter, as it would appear, happens to be one of those folks who are of the belief that there's one-o-dem-there foreigners sleeping in the White House.  So checkout just what he did in an attempt to protect our freedoms and right the wrong that was the election of the illegal president, Barack Obama:
[...] a Tennessee man was arrested after walking into his local county courthouse to try to effect a citizen's arrest of a grand jury foreman who had refused to investigate President Obama's legitimacy to serve -- an encounter partially caught on video...."

[...]The bizarre sequence of events began on April 1, when Walter Fitzpatrick walked into the Monroe county courthouse in Madisonville, Tenn., and approached Grand Jury foreman Gary Pettway. "I'm charging you with official misconduct," Fitzpatrick calmly told Pettway. "I'm placing you under arrest. You must now come with me."

Why was Pettway targeted? Fitzpatrick, a retired Navy commander, is a leading member of the American Grand Jury (AGJ), a group of self-declared constitutional experts that seeks to convene a grand jury of citizens to indict President Obama for treason, on the grounds that he's not a natural-born U.S. citizen. Fitzpatrick had previously tried unsuccessfully to get Pettway, an African-American, to convene a grand jury to investigate charges of voter fraud in connection with President Obama's election, according to an online account written by Carl Swensson, another AGJ leader. In response, AGJ accused Pettway of violating state laws governing the length of time that a grand jury foreman can serve -- giving Fitzpatrick the basis for his attempted citizen's arrest.

Predictably, Pettway did not agree to be arrested by Fitzpatrick, and it was Fitzpatrick himself who was arrested and jailed for several days. (source)
The article goes on to explain and show a video response from one of his brothers in arms, Georgia-based member of the organization Oath Keepers, Carl Swesson. Another "patriot", who proceeded to ride to Tennessee with AK-47 and other weapons in tow, to do a "jail-break", and arrest all involved in the false arrest of his comrade. A commendable move and show of solidarity I might add, if were not for the Tennessee state troopers who pulled him over before he could actually get there. Yep, we're taking our country back by citizen's arrests or the bullet, by God.

So instead, what we have folks, is possibly the shot heard around the world signaling the start of the White Civil Rights Movement. Now of course I'm all about equality, but the day that oppressed white men feel the need to march and protest is the day I consider leaving the country. Because the truth is, if that's what they have to resort to, shit has to be definitely f*cked up for black folks. I dunno, methinks if Obama would listen to Sean Hannity and step down, things would definitely go back to normal around here. I mean who needs democracy when you have guys with guns brave enough to take a stand all in the name of justice and equality.

Roll tape: