

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Your Tax Dollars at Work: 15yr old Mexican citizen shot by U.S. Border Patrol in Mexico

I heard about this story a couple of days ago. I decided to stay away from it, because, well, it wouldn't make a difference; nobody cares about the lives of "other" people. Besides, he's just one less potential fence jumper we have to worry about, right? However, in keeping with the tradition of highlighting injustices on this site. I present to you the story of Sergio Adrian Hernandez Güereca and how he lost his life all on your dime. And I present this to you courtesy of the good folks at Democracy Now!, an independent news source like no other:

Part II:

Oh well, shooting and killing children in other countries isn't anything new. The U.S. government has been doing just that for decades, no? Sure, I understand that this kid's death doesn't make up for all the crimes committed in the US of A by "illegal immigrants". But does that really matter when he was killed on his native soil by a foreigner? Does the unnecessary use of deadly force not matter?

Did the Border Patrol have to respond by firing shots?

His death is truly unfortunate; but like I said, nobody cares; not even the union who represents the Border Patrol. In a statement on their website, they labeled the deceased as a criminal. Yep, according to them, he was a part of a coyote smuggling ring. So once again, brown people are reduced to being less than human, labeled as criminals, which gives justification to their lives being taken from them.