

Friday, July 9, 2010

LeBron James Has Left the Plantation

by Eco.Soul.Intellectual

Quiet as kept, I am a native buckeye and I say bravo to LeBron James for knowing that he has broken the chains of one slavemaster, Dan Gilbert, the majority owner of the Cleveland Cavaliers.

And Boo to Gilbert for being unprofessional and acting like a true slave owner whose best Buck just ran away.

Yesterday after announcing he was going to Miami. Gilbert released a scathing letter calling James a traitor, and someone who betrayed Cleveland. Wow, how the tides change when your money bag has left the building.

Plus Dan Gilbert is from Michigan! How the hell can someone from the bowels of Detroit call someone a traitor. That's that pimp shit.

Just a couple of months ago while James was playing in the playoffs he was God's right hand man in the eyes of Gilbert. And Gilbert, that corporatist, was racking in millions of dollars as the true businessman he really is.

James wasn't "heartless and callous" then was he Gilbert?

Now since LeBron has made a business decision, Gilbert attempts to discredit his savvy business decision and his major accomplishments in that hell hole of franchise that he helped build from the time he was 18-years-old.

You'd think that Gilbert would congratulate a man who has maneuvered through multiple obstacles. LeBron brought life to an almost defunct city, and as of late, overcame the challenge of moving beyond his mother getting her back thrown out by two of his teammates.

But Gilbert in true greedy capitalistic money-hungry fashion acted in far from sportsman-like conduct. He did more than add fuel to the fire to upset LeBron fans, he took bitch jabs at LeBrons nuts.

Gilbert writes:

"The self-declared former “King” will be taking the “curse” with him down south. And until he does “right” by Cleveland and Ohio, James (and the town where he plays) will unfortunately own this dreaded spell and bad karma."

No Gilbert, you're wrong about LeBron transporting any bad mojo to Miami. The curse of him being under your spell like some child who doesn't know right from wrong or can't make his own decisions has been lifted once he departed stanking-ass Cleveland.

And if he never wins a championship, he has already won for being a man of his own mind.

Gilbert go back to Cleveland and start trading for a better squad you arrongant, exploitative prick.

PS. Now its time for LeBron to figure out how he can pay for his own freedom under the new plantation called, Miami. They do grow nice mangoes in the form of silicon boobs I hear.