

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

So Shirley Sherrod's husband Charles Sherrod is the Real Racist of the Family?

Remember Shirley Sherrod? You know, that racist black lady who once worked for the USDA who created a stir last week? Well, just when you thought it was over, it looks like the fine folks from over at Doofenshmirtz Evil Inc. (aka the right-wing asshats) aren't finished with this story.

In an attempt to prove Sherrod to be the racist that she is (and by extension the NAACP), it looks like they've decided to drag her husband Charles into the mix by digging up the following video featuring an excerpt of a speech he gave back in January, 2010:

In a piece titled Forty Acres & a Mule -- Sherrod Style?, Rosslyn Smith, one of the goof folks over at American Thinker attempts to cast suspicion upon the Sherrods by tying in their $13 million settlement in the Pigford case, to the black power movement.

This would explain the new focus on the words of Charles Sherrod in the above clip. Obviously now that we know the full context of Shirley's speech, it's important for you-know-who to try and prove the real grand conspiracy and racist motivational intent of the Sherrods, and people like them:
“We have ideas, inventions, athletic talent, but our labors and our monies and our contracts usually end up in white folks hands and pockets. When will we trust our own? Finally, we must stop the white man and his Uncle Tom from stealing our elections. We must not be afraid to vote black. We must not be afraid to turn a black out who votes against our interests.”
I'm sorry, but if the words of Charles Sherrod above - taken in context, or not - appears to be indicative of a racist mind, I'll have to say that my right-wing buddies are clueless to just what racism is all about. Now mind you, he never said anything about "killing some crackas," nor is he standing holding one of those infamously racist Tea Party signs as he creams about taking his country back.

However, what he is saying is nothing that any black person has ever said when it comes to the empowerment of African Americans. But I suppose in America the juxtaposition of the word black and empowerment is a tad bit radical and dare I say racist?

What he said is indeed important in the interest of gaining economic equality, as well as building and sustaining wealth throughout the black community. But hey, I guess it's yet another one of those "black things" that privileged folk just don't understand.

Not much is said about Charles Sherrod outside of him being the husband of Shirley. But, as noted veteran political journalist Doug Ireland points out in a recent piece titled Charles Sherrod, A Hero Forgotten:
Charlie, who was known as "the soul of the movement in Georgia,"  left SNCC [Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee] when Stokely Carmichael took it over, expelled white folks, and adopted "black power" as its ideology, in order to continue building a black-and-white movement in Georgia. The notion that Charlie's wife could have been guilty of what's being called "reverse racism" against whites is therefore douibly ludicrous. Some of us who knew Charlie back when, however, haven't forgotten his shining example.
Charles Sherrod, like his wife Shirley, happens to be one of the many unsung heroes of the Civil Rights Movement. Even PBS in their documentary, "This Far By Faith", paid homage and highlighted his sacrifice and dedication to the movement:
"Sherrod was one of the first to practice the jail-no bail policy, which became a common tactic of the movement. When ten students were arrested for a sit-in in Rock Hill, South Carolina in February of 1961, Sherrod and three others went to Rock Hill, held a sit-in, were arrested, refused bail, and served thirty-day sentences in an attempt to dramatize the injustice of the law.

[...] "Early on, one of SNCC's areas of focus was southwest Georgia, where Sherrod went in the fall of 1961 at age 22. Two months after arriving in Albany, Georgia, Sherrod and SNCC field workers led a large series of demonstrations that would last for over three difficult years, during which hundreds were arrested. By printing up leaflets, registering voters, and holding seminars on non-violent resistance, they galvanized Albany's black students to rise up and challenge unjust laws of segregation. Throughout this time, Sherrod and SNCC field workers traveled throughout the surrounding counties to educate and register black voters in southwest Georgia's rural areas..."
It doesn't sound like Charles Sherrod is quite the radical racist as someone (sorry, I can't say whether Andrew Breibart is behind this one) is trying to paint him to be. If championing the cause for equality for a marginalized group of people, who just so happened to be black suddenly makes one racist. Then I suppose there are countless people - black & white - who are as guilty as the Sherrods; and you can count me in as one as well.