People are grumbling about an Islamic Mosque being built near Ground Zero in New York City? In Tennessee, Republican Gubernatorial candidate Ron Ramsey a few weeks ago had the audacity to suggest: "You could even argue whether that being a Muslim is actually a religion, or is it a nationality, way of life, cult or whatever you want to call it?"
Meanwhile, Republican Congressional candidate Lou Ann Zelenik, in the face of protests of the construction of a 52,000 square-foot mosque and community center in Murfreesboro, had this to say about the proposed facility: "[it's] designed to fracture the moral and political foundation of Middle Tennessee."
Oh how the Republican fear-mongering never gets tired.
So, I suppose it is no surprise to see that while anti-immigrant activists staged protests on the Arizona border by Tea Party members this weekend, their brethren in the state of Tennessee were not to be left out of the mix, by protesting in Knoxville. But this was not your average protest, this was one for the ages chock full of Confederate flags and Swastikas, which even featured Brian Holland, a 2012 presidential candidate:
Here in America the Constitution grants everyone the right to freedom of speech and expression - religious or otherwise. But it is very sad that a certain group of people are of the opinion that this is reserved for whites only. Which further proves, that we still have a long way to go as far as the improvement of race relations, as long as miscreants such as the National Socialist Movement (the guys who hunt immigrants in the border region and shoot them like big game), and racist Republicans like Newt Gingrich continue to breathe....
and influence young minds.
PHOTO: Michael Patrick