

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Dropping Dimes: Hot Links [10-10-10]

Well, well, well... look-a-here, look-a-here... today just so happens to be the 10th day, of the 10th month in the year 2010. I'm not sure if that spells disaster in the form of an apocalyptic end of the world event, or a reintroduction of the Jheri Curl. But here at TIOMAR we see it fit to kick off a new weekly meme! No seriously, you should clap for that because we're all ADHD afflicted; and here's to hoping this meme survives; please pray for us, will you?

No but seriously, folks. Aside from providing you our dear readers your daily dose of Madness & Reality, we actually read tons of blogs. With that in mind, we intend to bring to you some of the dopest finds from around the interwebs for your reading pleasure. Yes, because we looove you so much, we're gonna provide a weekly service to assist you in your blog reading addiction.

Damn right, son! We slingin' links 'round huur err'week from here on out, as long as the rents paid and the lights stay on in this piece. But anyway, do us a favor, will you? With so many hot blogs and bloggers out there, it's hard for us to keep up. So, do drop us some links, and introduce us to your kinfolks in the comment section. Hell, you're free to blog whore and promote your content; no seriously, we encourage that. So dammit, share them links with us, yo!

And now on to the Hotness....

Obsessed Over a Number That Means Nothing

Pittsburgh family, activists demand federal police brutality probe

Michael Steele the Sellout

“Don’t Talk About My Mama!” and Other Problems With Black Intellectual Rhetoric


Bullies, Enablers and Victims: #NewSeattle Style

Stepin Fetchit Negroes: A Profile of Roland Martin and the NAACP

GOP's Solution For America...Privatize It!

These Two Guys Walk Into A Bar With Guns....

Parents Are the Key to Ending Domestic Violence

And there you have it, folks. Ten of the hottest posts of the past week that's definitely RiPPa approved, stamped, and endorsed. Now do check them out, leave them a comment, and do tell them RiPPa sent ya, OK?