

Thursday, October 28, 2010

In the Age of Obama (Part II) Police Terror, Incarceration, No Jobs, Mis-education: What Future for our Youth?

Because I love nothing better than a progressive discussion which advances issues experienced and not exclusive to the black community. I just wanted to take the time out to invite you to attend, and spotlight an even going down in New York City tomorrow night.

The event is billed as a "game changing dialogue," between one of my favorite black scholars, Cornel West, and Carl Dix, the national spokesman for the Revolutionary Communist Party, USA. And it is scheduled for October 29th at 7:00pm, on Harlem Stage, at the Aaron Davis Hall, Harlem, NYC.

Here's an excerpt from last years conversation:

This is a conversation that we in the black community, who often exist as the canary in the mine should have. It is common knowledge that when America catches the common cold, blacks and other minorities come down with the bubonic plague. However, any policy that directly improves the lives of the least of us, translates into something positive and beneficial for society at large.

So let's have a conversation, and figure out a plan of corrective action so as to affect change.. in the age of Obama. Ironically the Obama administration has been reaching out to the black community of late, in an attempt to gain electorate support for next weeks midterm elections. Too bad they turn a blind eye to this: