Its findings cite that members of groups such as the Council of Conservative Citizens, which opposes all efforts to "mix the races of mankind," have become involved in tea party chapters, and that posters on the online white nationalist Web site have written of "inflitrating" tea party events.Now of course much of this has been covered and discussed on this site. But I'm just a blogger, and obviously easily dismissed as yet another leftist loon by many who visit this site. I suspect the same sentiment would be easily developed by some after watching the following interview with NAACP President Ben Jealous, and co-author of the report, Leonard Zeskind with Amy Goodman of the program Democracy NOW!
The report was issued by the Kansas City, Mo.-based Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights, which is funded, in part, by the liberal Firedoll Foundation. The paper was authored by Devin Burghart and Leonard Zeskind, both of whom have written widely about white nationalism.
The more formalized and politically active tea party organizations have made statements repudiating racism; the report focuses primarily on the more diffusely affiliated tea party networks online and in county-level chapters throughout the country. It also singles out five members of various tea party groups, one of whom has been expelled from the movement, as having ties to anti-Semitic, militia or white nationalist groups.
One person highlighted in the report is Roan Garcia-Quintana, a member of ResistNet who served as media spokesman for a 2010 Tax Day Tea Party in South Carolina and is running for state Senate. He has also been active with the Council of Conservative Citizens. (source)
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
NAACP Backed Report Links Tea Party to Militia & Racist Groups
With less than two weeks before the 2010 midterm elections, the NAACP today released a report compiled by the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. Titled 'Tea Party Nationalism', the report analyzes the six factions that make up what is known aand exists under the umbrella of the Tea Party. In the report, links to various white supremacist groups, anti-immigrant organizations, and militias.