

Monday, January 24, 2011

Columbus, Georgia Man Arrested for Masturbating at Chuck E. Cheese

The irony of the following story is that in a recent discussion, my wife and I concluded that Chuck E. Cheese was possibly the safest place for kids. This was after she took our three year-old daughter to a birthday party there, without me I was always of the opinion that it was a prime target for pedophiles much in the same way hookers hang out at truck stops.

When my soon-to-be eighteen year-old was a lot younger, I would case the joint looking for freakish looking dudes before going in whenever I took her. Yeah, there was no dropping her off at parties there either. I trust people, but I'm not that trusting of anyone with my kids.

But she assured me that with an emphasis on security, management never allows anyone into the establishment without being in the company of a child, nor without an invitation to a birthday party. At least that's how they do it here in Memphis. Now down in Georgia? Things just might be a tad bit different:
COLUMBUS, GA (WTVM) -  A 21-year-old man is facing child molestation charges in Columbus, accused of exposing himself inside a children's restaurant.

Kenneth McGhee was arrested Monday afternoon at the Chuck E. Cheese's on Macon Road.

A mother tells police McGhee came and sat down at the end of her table. She noticed he had his hands between his legs but tells police she thought he was texting on his cell phone.

When she went to move her purse closer to her, she says she noticed that McGhee was masturbating with his penis fully exposed.

According to police reports, Chuck E. Cheese's was packed with children and families at the time and witnesses say McGhee was looking around at the kids as he was pleasuring himself.

The mother grabbed her kids and called for help and McGhee took off running.

Police say he ran across Macon Road and hid in a Fashion Trends store. The manager of the Chuck E. Cheese's chased after McGhee and waited outside of the store until officers got there.

McGhee was found in the back and was arrested without incident.

He is being held in the Muscogee County Jail and is charged with child molestation and false information because officers say he lied about when he was born, saying he was 16. Reports indicate he has outstanding warrants for violation of probation. (source)
Clearly this guy needs help, and hopefully he gets it. In addition, he should be held accountable for his actions by jailtime. I mean, you just can't go around jerking off around kids in public. Not that I'm condoning jerking off to kids in the privacy of your own home. But damn man; not in public places, and damn sure not in the favorite restaurant of my children! Unless you're a Superbowl winning Quarterback, you can't do that; not outside of a nightclub at least.