

Monday, March 7, 2011

11-year-old arrested over 'inappropriate' stick figure drawing.

Yup, you read the fvcking title right! A fvcking 11 year old child was arrested because of a fvcking drawing comprised of fvcking stick figures. Peep this BS.

ARVADA, Colo. -- An 11-year-old Arvada boy was arrested and hauled away in handcuffs for drawing stick figures in school - something his therapist told him to do.

His parents say they understand what he did was inappropriate, but are outraged by the way Arvada Police handled the case. The parents did not want their real names used.

They say "Tim" is being treated for Attention Deficit Disorder and his therapist told him to draw pictures when he got upset, rather than disrupt the class. So that’s what he did.

Last October, he drew stick figures of himself with a gun, pointed at four other stick figures with the words "teacher must die."

He felt calmer and was throwing the picture away when the teacher saw it and sent him to the principal's office.

The school was aware that the boy was in treatment, determined he was not a threat, notified his parents and sent him back to class. His mother, "Jane" was shocked when Arvada Police showed up at their home later that night.

She says she told her son to cooperate and tell the truth, but was horrified when they told her they were arresting him and then handcuffed him and hauled him away in a patrol car. His mother says she begged police to let her drive her son to the police department and to let her stay with him through the booking process but they refused.

They put him in a cell, took his mug shot and fingerprinted him. He says he thought he was going to jail and would never be able to go home again.

According to the police report, "Tim" explained he made the drawing to release anger and would never hurt teachers or anyone. At first school officials did not want to press charges, but changed their mind when police called them later that night. A juvenile assessment report shows he's never been in legal trouble before and is at low risk to reoffend.

He's charged with a third degree misdemeanor, interfering with staff and students at an educational facility. The system says it's doing what's in the best interest of the child. But Tim's therapist says handcuffing an 11-year-old and putting him in a cell over something like this is "quite an overreaction" and does much more harm than good.

Arvada Police say because Monday was a holiday, they are not able to get hold of all the personnel and reports to make a response, but will be able to respond Tuesday. Tim is on probation and if he completes that successfully, the criminal charges will be dropped. But his parents say it has cost them thousands of dollars so far.

And if they had known that their son’s cooperation would be used as evidence against him, they would have hired a lawyer at the beginning and exercised his right to remain silent.

So little Timmy has some anger issues that had been identified and the resolution was for little Timmy to use art as a means to control little Timmy's anger. Time little Timmy draw some shyt that someone saw to control his little angry issues, the Police put little Timmy in handcuffs and haul little Timmy off to jail for a veiled "I'm scared of little Timmy please get Timmy out of my class" charge of "interfering with staff and students at an educational facility."

Fo 'realz! Fo 'realz! All little Timmy did was ball up a sheet of paper Timmy did a little drawing on. There was no fvcking interfering!

One day these motherfvckers going to wonder why little Timmy got an appetite for cutting motherfvckers up and having some human thigh soup with eyeball surprise!

Shyt Folk glad these motherfvckers weren't around when Folk was little and drawing up a storm. Shyt, Folk used to draw detailed pics of cartoon characters with guns and shyt ready to get the shyt crack-a-lacking. And we ain't going to forget that little trick Mario taught Folk of how to make figures have animated sex either using flip book tech. What the Fvck are we doing to our children!?!?

But these fvckers need to be concern about is that little Timmy's art skills are a little subpar for his age. Come on, what fvcker at age 11 still drawing stick fvcking figures. Someone get this fvcker some art lessons. But don't put this fvcker in a music class, apparently little Timmy got a problem with musical appreciation. Motherfvcker might shoot somebody. Just saying.

Yup, file this under Bullshyt! Fvcking azzholes.