

Friday, April 1, 2011

Rutgers University Pays "Snooki" $32,000 for Appearance, Toni Morrison, Not So Much

Nicole "Snooki" Polizzi from 'Jersey Shore' spoke at Rutgers University and told students to "study hard, but party harder," and got paid $32,000 to do so. Meanwhile, Nobel Prize-winning author and scholar Toni Morrison is scheduled to speak at Rutgers' commencement ceremony next month, and is being paid less. OK, so its $2000 less, but still...

There's a racial angle in there somewhere, but score one for dumb broads who don't read. I mean, nobody actually cares about the fact that the median net worth of single Black women being $5 as compared to white women who in their prime working years (36-49) have a median wealth of $42,000, according to the Insight Center for Community Economic Development's "Lifting as We Climb" study conducted last year. But like I said, there just might be a racial angle in there somewhere; either that or I'm just reaching. I ain't sayin' she a gold-digger, but she ain't messin' with no broke broke...

My baby sister, the youngest of the RiPPa clan attends Rutgers, and suddenly I'm afraid. Suddenly I'm concerned about her party to study ratio, and I can only hope that she uses good judgment in that regard. As hooked on celebrity as society has become in recent years, it would be a shame if were to eventually flunk out of college after following the advice of a television reality show star.

Even more troubling was the fact that Snooki was paid by funds via the mandatory student activity fees, which is funded by student tuition. I guess that in itself is no surprise since here in America, you get what you pay for. Which reminds me of why I don't feel so bad about missing Steve Harvey's book signing appearance at Barnes & Nobles here in Memphis today. Or maybe I'll go and see if he'll gimme a dollar after I ask him for it. What? I'm famous, bitch; I own and operate a friggin' blog!! Yeah, fuck college!!!