

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Pat Buchanan:"Obama Will Cave" [VIDEO]

You know what? Given recent history, and the fact that not raising the debt ceiling will signal a cataclysmic end of the world as we know it, Pat Buchanan is probably right. As shitty as it is for Republicans to be holding America hostage once again. What else can you expect ? President Obama has ceded the balance of power to Republicans by extending the Bush Tax Cuts as he did in December. Of course Buchanan is full of crap from an economic policy standpoint. But, none of that matters considering that Republicans are winning the war, that is, destroy Barack Obama at all costs.

QUESTION(S): Will Obama cave to the Republicans? Will we see the debt ceiling raised by its proposed due date without the elimination of subsidies and loopholes for the wealthy, with deep cuts to entitlement programs?