That's why I laugh when I see "net drama" on these sites. I mean why the f@%k would you be on the internet arguing and fighting with you man's ex-baby muva that he slept with last night when you can do that shit in the streets and get your weave pulled out and become a YouTube innanet star?
Nah yo, I refuse to let "life" interrupt my virtual f@%kery. Speaking of which, checkout what happened to Melanie Beacham who was hassled and harassed by a bill collector on Facebook recently. Melanie has a lawsuit pending against the company, so do check this out and tell me if she has a case:
Now I've heard of, and personally know of people who refuse to use sites like Facebook. These are people who
Contacting my family and friends about my past due car note? Shit, I already gotta worry about other dudes "poking" me on Facebook; now I gotta worry about bill collectors sending me Farmville invites? Oh well, at least we know Osama Bin Laden ain't on Facebook. It's a damn shame ain't no privacy.