You mean to tell me, we have a Black man running for president, and you wanna run around the neighborhood drunk, terrorizing kids wearing a Cow Suit? Really? And you live in Ohio? One of the most important swing states in the country when it comes to this years presidential elections? No wonder them white folks stole votes in Ohio back in 2004. A cow suit? I seriously hope she works for Chik-Fil-A or sumthin. I mean, is that what's hot in the streets??
I have no more words on this one except...
We gotta do better...
a D@mned shame is what this is. A d@mned shame. Thanks for dropping by my spot. I added you to the roll.
you brought up a great point
the repubs could jack the election like they did in 2000 and 2004
you cant trust anybody any more
i vote for a citizens advisory committe to monito their every move
sho nuf
Rip, mental illness is an epidemic in our society. She needs help.
BAMA OF THE WEEK!!! And stop the presses, that's a SHE? STFU!
that some funny stuff their and didnt know obama was a blood
(SMH) like Snoop...
Cows like this make me remember why I don't like milk.
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