According to Barry-O somebody was asleep at the wheel, and as a result the "Undie Bomber" was able to sneak into the country
A correction officer has been disciplined for dozing on the job after a colleague snapped a picture of her asleep while on post at a Rikers Island infirmary, officials said yesterday.
A clearly conked-out Nadja Green is leaning in a chair with her head back, arms folded, eyes closed and mouth open.
But even more alarming is an amused inmate seen hovering above her, mere inches from a set of keys that hangs from her belt.
The picture was circulated around the department, and a source e-mailed it to The Post.
Green was transferred on the island and placed on modified duty watching female inmates. She will face charges of sleeping on the job and other security- and performance-related charges.
"We do not expect this type of behavior or performance from our officers, nor do we tolerate it," said city correction spokesman Steve Morello.
The officer who took the picture, Claudel Barrau, was also transferred and placed on modified duty.
Morello said possession and use of cellphones in jails, even by guards, is prohibited.(Source: New York Post)
Recently I heard the New York City crime rate is at a record low, and I guess this is proof of it. But then again, in the New York Post article a prison source called her "the Precious of Corrections," referencing the movie to describe the woman pictured above. OUCH! Damn, did they really have to go there just because she's the mother of several children as the article states? Surely it was her difficult upbringing and her bad ass kids and not the fact that she worked 96 hours of overtime this month that's responsible for her falling asleep on the job. But hey, you know how lazy and shiftless those Negroes are, right?
What gets me is that it was one of her co-workers who basically put her on front street by snapping the picture with his cell phone. This is Rikers Island! Home of the Stop Snitching movement! How you just gonna do 'ole girl like that mister prison guard dude who has been on the job 18yrs? Yeah, and now I'm wondering what other type of pictures he has stored on his cell phone involving inmates. Hello! Abu Ghraib anyone?
She may have been tired and that excuse, though unacceptable I could understand. But you being on your job as long as you have and knowing that having a cell phone with you on the job is a no no, you should be fired. Yeah, and the inmate in the pic should be released immediately because his civil rights were violated! OK, so I'm trippin' with the idea of releasing the inmate. But what if he was able to grab those keys from the sistah's belt? Would it be as embarrassing as the wheelchair guy escaping from prison on foot recently?
Heck of a job Brownie!