Early Wednesday morning, State Sen. Roy Ashburn (R-Calif.) was pulled over and arrested for drunk driving. Sources report that Ashburn -- a fierce opponent of gay rights -- was driving drunk after leaving a gay nightclub; when the officer stopped the state-issued vehicle, there was an unidentified man in the passenger seat of the car. (source)Ashburn has since apologized for what he called "poor judgement." But the jury is still out on whether he was referencing the choice of driving drunk, or that of being a closet homosexual with an anti-gay legislation stance. Oh well, maybe someone slipped him a mickey in his drink before he went into the club, hence him not realizing where he was. Yep, when in doubt, always blame it on alcohol; and, add the mickey theory for great effect. Being a Republican who champions for family values and all that other good shit?
People will believe your story.